Friday, June 2, 2017

Happy Father's Day ~ A Reflection

It's the time of year where kids Give Thanks to the man (or men) who have given them life, be it literally or by being there no matter what trials have come and gone. Today, weeks before Father's Day, I thought I would dedicate the blog post to the man who has done both for me. With the help of my mother; he gave me life, during a difficult childhood; he supported me and even as an adult with children myself; he's the one person I know I can call on when I need an ear to talk to, a shoulder to cry on or a place to call home. 

34 years ago (gah! I can't believe that's how old I am), I nearly entered the world in the floorboard of my Aunt's car. At the hospital, my dad hardly had time to get the hospital gown over his street clothes before I made my way into the world. From how I hear it, he was the first one to hold me. 
Over the past 34 years (36 if you count being a dad to my brother before me), my daddy has weathered a lot of storms. 

A divorce from my mom, custody battles, and working hard to build a business for himself. He's stubborn but strong. He's hard of hearing but gives great advice. He's set in his ways, but lets you make your own decisions. 

When I was 17....I ran away from home and got married to the bastard who is now an ex-husband. Daddy knew, of course, but told me firmly that if it was what I wanted, then it. I hurt him. But, I respected him even more because he allowed me to make my own mistakes. It's a life lesson so seemingly effortlessly handed down that I'll never forget it. 

So, Daddy, thank you for being a strong, amazing and often times the most humorous support system I have ever had. You're an excellent Father and I don't think you are told that enough. 

Happy Father's Day! 


  1. That is a really good post! I hope he gets a chance to read it!

    1. I think he did. He liked the link on Twitter haha. Thanks for the compliment babe!
