Monday, January 30, 2017

Suicide: An Open Letter

Dear You,

      Tonight I sit alone, listening to a song by one of my most favorite musicians; 'Why', by Rascal Flatts. My heart and mind are heavy suicide has hit close to home recently. All day I've toyed with the words that I would write tonight, in hopes of reaching out to those who are hurting. To those who have been "broken down", and feeling like you are less than half of what you were meant to be. I've been there.

I've laid in my bed wondering what the point was. I've felt the cloud surround me and grow darker as the moments passed by. I've looked into the eyes of those closest to me and wonder, "What am I even bringing to your life, that makes it better?" I've been there when I've lost myself in a daydream of "what would life be like if I just ended it now?"
I've even considered going through the motions of just being completely done. I've hated myself so much that I didn't feel worthy of being here anymore.

It's a dark place, and some days my mind likes to float over that valley that took so long to dig myself out of. I don't allow myself to settle there anymore. As I sit here and watch people or circumstances play with my emotions, and  treat me as less than I know I deserve, I still don't allow them to win. It's hard. It'll never be easy.

I won't preach to you saying that Jesus is here for're never alone. I can't tell you that you should find God and let him be the one you lean on when the days get so dark even a flashlight won't pierce the night. I can't. Why? Because I'm still sorting that out myself.

There are also plenty of hotlines out there that can also give some amazing information.

This life is not easy, in fact for many of's a daily struggle. But, it's worth it to be here, we are destined for amazing things. If you're like me, it just takes a bit more of a drive to find your purpose and destination. Please reach out.

You are special, you are unique, and you are important to the mission of a gracious life. You're loved, and wanted. Please never think otherwise, and if you find yourself thinking differently, reach out to to someone...evening commenting to me here on the blog. I can listen.

With love,

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