Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Why This?

I've attempted a blog each year and end up losing the log-in information or better yet; I let the lack of readers prevent me from posting. Well, it's a new year and time to knock all that crap off. This blog is for anyone who wants to read it, but most importantly; for myself.  

As a reflection of my day to day. As the blog title suggests, I'm a Mama! My kids mean so very much to me and I constantly think about their happiness and how I'm screwing it up. That's right! I wouldn't give myself the best mom award (if there was even such a thing). My kids sit in front of the TV daily...(but they also color, play, and most shows are educational). My kids don't always get a bedtime story at night (though I do want to change this).

I'm at a point in my life where I'm trying to find balance. 2016 was a rough year for me. I realized things about certain aspects of my life that literally slapped me in the face. A rude awakening of sorts, and it made me realize how much I've been wasting my life away by "just being a wife and mom". Before you jump on my back about that comment: I know that being a wife and mother should be the most full-filling thing ever. 

However, it's not. Maybe to some people and I applaud those whose lives revolve around their families. But, that's not me. They are at the very top, but I'm more than just a wife and mom.

I hope that this year I can do things for myself that will end up being for the best for those special people in my life. What are those things? I have no clue!

I recently saw a quote that said: "Set goals and accomplish them in silence". Doing something worthwhile with your life should be for YOU. Not for anyone else or praise but for yourself. If it benefits others, then great! Let your success show through your actions, not your announcements! It's my motto this year and I can't wait to see (for myself) how my life will change this year.

Bring on 2017: I'm Ready!

Dance of a Passionate Mama is my new blog name and so I decided to change the Instagram to it as well. I believe that Life is a Dance. Sometimes you dance alone, sometimes you step on toes. Sometimes it goes fast, sometimes it's a crazy slow number. Sometimes you try something new, and Fall or rise above and conquer. This year I'm choosing to view my life as one incredible dance and I cannot wait to see the outcome of this year's number. #2017 #life #love #dreams #inspiration


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